At NASGW, member directories and lists are maintained and protected for the internal use of managing regular operations and the NASGW Expo. List are not and have never been distributed, sold, or shared with any third-party company. In the past, NASGW has partnered with various organizations and businesses to benefit members, provide opportunities or discounts for services. In those cases, NASGW has handled all internal communications to its members rather than provide lists to the partner organization or business. NASGW communicates to its members directly.
If you are contacted or approached about purchasing lists for any NASGW event or a membership database, please alert the NASGW staff. They will contact the individual who sent the email to protect NASGW members. Do not click on any links and do not spend money on this scam. As a member, you can log in to the NASGW member portal and access the member directory at any time.
We appreciate your continued support of NASGW and your diligent vigilance to protect the integrity of NASGW and its members. If you have any further questions or would like to chat with a NASGW staff member regarding these false lists, please reach out via email to or contact the office at (515) 334-1484.