NASGW Recent News

ATF Ruling 2017-1

Written by NASGW | 12/13/17 8:56 PM

Provided by Orchid Advisors

On July 28, 2017, the ATF issued ATF Ruling 2017-1 titled, "Record-keeping and Background Check Procedure for Facilitation of Private Party Firearms Transfers.” This Ruling supersedes ATF Ruling 2013-1.

According to the ruling its purpose was, “to set forth the record-keeping and National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) procedures for a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) who facilitates the transfer of firearms between private unlicensed individuals.” As stated in the Purpose, the procedure does not apply to pawn transactions, consignment sales, or repairs. 

The Procedure Addresses These Main Areas:

  1. General procedures for ATF form 4473 and eForm 4473 used in conjunction with the NICS background check
  2. Immediate “Proceed” Transactions
  3. "Denied”or “Canceled” Transactions
  4. “Delayed” Transactions Without a Subsequent Denial
  5. Delayed Transactions With a Subsequent Denial
  6. And, Additional Requirements that includes
      • Secure Handgun Storage or Safety Devices
      • Reports of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Pistols and Revolvers
      • Reports of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles
      • NFA Firearms
      • State and Local Law
      • Out-of-State and Underage Transactions 

Federal Firearms Licenses and other readers are encouraged to contact the ATF ( with additional questions.  

NASGW Members that have signed up to take advantage of their free access to may use their one-on-one consultations to hold a deeper conversation about the operational impacts of ATF Procedure 2017-1 on firearm transfers, Point of Sales, additional stock items needed, and eBound Book transaction activity.