I was once an avid runner. Not so much anymore. After multiple knee surgeries on both knees and arthritis to go with it, I had to hang up the running shoes many years ago.
But the other day, when asked what it feels like to know that we’re going to host the 2021 NASGW Expo, I surprised myself a bit by saying it reminded me of running a grueling race. Now that I’ve thought about it a bit more, I want to amend that reply. Because I don’t think it’s been like just a plain 3, 5, or 10K race. Rather, I think it’s more like one of those crazy 100-mile “ultra race” events where people run for 24-36 hours straight on some of the harshest terrain you can imagine.
Now, I’ve never run one of these races (though a member of our SCOPE data team has done it), so I can’t say I know exactly how it might feel, but I’ve read and heard enough about them to believe that all the energy, effort, ups/downs, and craziness of a race like that are similar to what it’s been like getting to the point where the NASGW Expo would actually happen.